3 comments on “Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 (Expansion)

  1. Maybe you can answer this for me as I have been unable to find it on instructions or online. If when playing 1910 expansion game with “longest road” and “most cards completed” options used…,,who wins if 2 players each finish with the same amount of tickets? Or in our most recent situation, one person had longest road and the other 2 had completed 5 cards?

  2. Follow the “Calculating Scores” on the last page of the original game.
    1) count the points based on the trains played.
    2) add the points for each trip ticket completed or subtract for the trip tickets not completed.
    3) count number of completed tickets. Most gets 15. If a tie, both get 15.
    4) longest continuous path gets 10. If a tie for longest path, both get 10.
    5) person with most points wins. If there’s a tie for points, most tickets wins. If still a tie for points, the longest path wins.

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