Star Realms

All posts tagged Star Realms

“Star Realms” is advertised as a “space combat card game” that “pits players against each other in a fight for dominance over the entire galaxy.” In all honestly, they had me at “space”…I’m a dreamer, what I can say?  At any rate, “Star Realms” is like “Dominion” in the sense that it is a deck-builder…that is, start with a few crappy cards and build your deck until you have the powerhouse that YOU yourself designed.  Its play time of twenty minutes attracted me too, especially with the holiday season right around the corner.  No time for “Stone Age” or “Lords of Waterdeep“, no sir…there are presents to wrap and cookies to make.  Before I go off on some mad holiday-related tangent, let’s quickly get a look at what came in the box and how the game is played.

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