Stack & Attack (Preview)

All posts tagged Stack & Attack (Preview)

Ahhhh, the caveman days…such simpler times.  All we ever had to ever worry about was starting fires, inventing the wheel, and keeping those darned “Fruity Pebbles” away from Barney.  Simple is exactly what “Stack & Attack” shoots for, setting its sights on audiences who love strategic games wrapped around casual themes.  In this particular instance, “Stack & Attack” is a casual deck-builder game that tasks players with building a rock tower.  Players will be endeavouring to build their own towers while at the same time, attempting to impede the progress of their opponents’ towers.  Before we start throwing rocks at one another, I’d like to thank Chris Finlayson for reaching out to me and providing me with a free preview copy.  It’s important to note that the game will be launching soon on Kickstarter (as of 9/7/13), so it goes without saying that the pictures and rules included in this article are subject to change.

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