Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

All posts tagged Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

“Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages” has been in development for over five years, if you can believe it.  After spending a few hours in the campaign and assessing the options I had available to me, it clearly showed.  “Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages”, for those of you unfortunate enough to have never heard of this quote unquote “little” gem, is a top-down action-RPG set in the vastness of space.  It has a twin-stick shooter feel, but it’s got more story than I had expected.  Before we take a look at a game that more than doubled its Kickstarter goal (late 2012) in further detail, I’d like to quickly thank Enrique Dryere from Triple-B-Titles for providing me with a free press copy.

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