PRESS RELEASE: “All Bunnies Eat Carrots” Seeking Support On Kickstarter

All posts tagged PRESS RELEASE: “All Bunnies Eat Carrots” Seeking Support On Kickstarter

Seriously, who doesn’t love a cute bunny or three?  Being an animal lover myself, I can’t just walk out of a pet store without first visiting these furry little bundles of joy.  “All Bunnies Eat Carrots“, a card game currently seeking your help on Kickstarter, features more bunnies than you’ll know what to do with.  It’s a two to four player family-friendly game that tasks players with collecting bunnies and seeing to their needs.  Each bunny has its own needs and point values, giving the game a strategic spin.  The first player to see to the needs of three bunnies effectively ends the game and all players will proceed to compare point values to see who wins…it all sounds both easy and fun to boot!

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