Pokémon Black

All posts tagged Pokémon Black

I’ll be honest, I missed the Pokémon craze. Instead of growing up with malcontent, abused monsters that had a one word vocabulary and spent most of their time locked up in a small round ball, I grew up with overly energetic teenagers that wore different colored ninja outfits who felt the need to yell noises with every action they took during battle. They also spoke to a floating head that called itself Zordon who I’m convinced was a bit of a racist. C’mon…the African American guy is the black ranger? The Chinese girl is the yellow ranger? The Powerpuff girl as played by Amy Jo Johnson was the pink ranger? Then Rita Repulsa would throw her staff at the Earth and make whatever Battle Beast action figure she was playing with grow, forcing the Power Rangers to call upon their spirit animals to activate a fifteen minute transformer sequence, which then allowed the creators of the show to loop the main music sequence about four times.

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