OverLight (Preview)

All posts tagged OverLight (Preview)

As a retro gamer, I’m always fascinated by the advances made in the gaming industry.  When I was a kid, for example, I remember holding my Game Boy up over my head in the back seat of the car so that the headlights from the car behind us could illuminate my grayscale screen.  Come to think of it, that’s probably why I’m wearing glasses now and couldn’t shoot the broadside of a barn with them off…horray for technology.  “Tetris” was one of those games (that apparently contributed to my bad eyesight) and to that end, I’m always on the lookout for that new variant.  Before we take a look at “OverLight”, I’d like to thank Tomáš “Frooxius” Mariančík for sending me a free preview copy.  It’s important to note that this game is currently in the early Alpha stages and like with all previews, the content that you see in this article may be subject to change.

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