Knee Jerk (Preview)

All posts tagged Knee Jerk (Preview)

Being the host of a party can be a lot of work, especially if your interests don’t jive well with everyone elses.  For example, let’s say that you’re a respectable and hardworking dad who happens to love board games.  It’s a stretch, I know…just bear with me.  Imagine that you are having a huge family gathering at your place and need a few ways to keep everyone entertained.  Most of them happen to be nongamers, so pulling “Agricola” or “Power Grid” out of your closet will probably be met by blank stares.  At best, you’ll only succeed in entertaining the toddlers who have no qualms about throwing the pieces of your treasured games all over the place.  “Knee Jerk”, a game that will be launching on Kickstarter on September 16, 2014, may very well be the solution.  Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, I’d like to thank Game Creator Andrew Federspiel for reaching out and providing me with a prototype copy.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often representative of the final product, making everything featured here subject to change.

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