Got ‘Em!

All posts tagged Got ‘Em!

Elimination games can be hard to play with others sometimes, depending on the group.  Those who hate losing or always feel like they’re being ganged up on can ruin the entire experience for everyone else.  “Tsuro” is one of those rare games that my household will play on a regular basis, despite the fact that winning involves being the last one on the board.  I think it has to do with the fact that you’re limited to placing tiles adjacent to your own pawn…if others happen to be affected by it, all the better.  There’s a little of that in “Got ‘Em” as well, though it does tend to be a bit more aggressive.  Before we take a brief look at what this game has to offer, I’d like to thank both Ray Wehrs and Cassidy Werner from Calliope Games for providing me with a free press copy.  If the names sound familiar, it’s because Calliope Games are the same folks who created “Tsuro“, “Tsuro of the Seas“, and “Roll For It!“.

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