Ganz Schön Clever

All posts tagged Ganz Schön Clever

I don’t get to post recommendations often, what with my time being tied up with Kickstarter previews and video game content, but I just had to take the time to recommend “Ganz Schön Clever”.  It’s a roll-and-write, like “Yahtzee”, but beefed up on about seven kinds of steroids.  With six different categories in which to score, you’ll be trying to figure out which boxes to tick and which dice to sacrifice as you’re rolling them.  Further, you can choose a die as the passive player, but only one that your opponent didn’t choose.  Other abilities, like +1’s and rerolls, can make or break your victory dance.  This is easily in the running for the 2019 DGA Awards and I guarantee that you won’t be able to play it just once.

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