Freeze Up

All posts tagged Freeze Up

Well, “Freeze Up” certainly takes me back.  The last electronic handheld game I remember playing as a kid (besides my Nintendo Game Boy) involved Tiger Electronics and a number of incredibly unplayable licensed games like “Double Dragon” and “Simon’s Quest”.  Further back we had those infamous “Speak & Spells” that you just couldn’t believe were (*GASP*) actually talking to you.  Long story short, it’s been a while since I’ve held something like “Freeze Up” in my hands.  No, seriously…I had to Google what a Double-A battery looked like.  Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.  Having reviewed so many board games and video games within the past year, I’ve almost forgotten what these things look like.  Before we take a look at what “Freeze Up” is all about, I’d like to thank Nancy Davies, the Vice President of Salmon Borre Group, for providing me with a free press copy.

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