Card of the Dead

All posts tagged Card of the Dead

I’m a sucker for zombie-themed games…if that hasn’t been made readily apparent by now.  There’s just something about those lovable undead walkers that gets the adrenaline pumping…perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they want to eat your brains.  One might think that professional help would be in order, but I’m sure I’ll have the last laugh when Milla Jovovich shows up in your town with a ten-ton nuke strapped to her back.  At any rate, “Card of the Dead”, as you may have guessed, is a quick zombie-themed card game that tasks players with earning the most survival points over three rounds.  Before we see whether or not this zombie game stacks up with the others I’ve played, I’d like to thank the folks at Alderac Entertainment Group (the same company who published “Smash Up” and “Trains“) for providing me with a free press copy.

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