Botchee Deluxe (Preview)

All posts tagged Botchee Deluxe (Preview)

A lot of the people I know love a good game of “Sudoku”…it’s a quote unquote “simple” numbers game that doesn’t in fact turn out to be quite as easy as they originally thought.  For those of you who have never played it, “Sudoku” is made up of a 9×9 grid composed of nine 3×3 regions.  Your objective is to fill the 3×3 regions with the numbers 1-9, while also making each row or column in the 9×9 grid only contain numbers 1-9.  “Botchee Deluxe” is a variation of that theme, though it offers players with alternative ways to play.  Before we go any further, I’d like to thank Gary Stout from Botchee Games for providing me with a press copy.  It’s important to note that while the components appear final, there’s still some question as to how the final rulebook will appear as well as whether or not the game will be sold in the US.  Since the game is still being developed in this light, I’ve opted to cover the game as a preview rather than a full-blown review.

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