Bad Bully!

All posts tagged Bad Bully!

I have an extremely low tolerance when it comes to bullying, mainly because I was often a victim myself (I was short and hella-smart).  I simply can’t stand people who are jealous or miserable enough to go about making someone else’s life harder than it needs to be.  As an adult you learn that bullying is mostly misguided and misdirected anger, but somehow that doesn’t give you comfort when you’re just an eight year old kid who doesn’t know any better.  “Bad Bully!” takes me back to those days, though this time I can actually DO something about it. Here, players will be targeted by the game (a bully) and be tasked with being either the last one standing or the one with the highest point total at the end of the game.  Before we get started, I’d like to quickly thank Game Designer Anton Spalding for reaching out and providing me with a press copy for review purposes.

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