4 comments on “Star Trek: The Video Game

  1. Great review! I’ve been searching all day for reviews and this is the first written one that I’ve come across. I’ve been curious about the length of the game and if it truly clocks in at only 5 or 6 hours, that is incredibly disappointing for me. Definitely not worth the $60 for that short of a game. I guess I will have to wait for a price drop.

    • Hello Justin,

      The length may vary, depending on how quickly you finish the levels. It’s similar to Call of Duty in that some people can finish its campaign in four to five hours where others might need an extra few. I was halfway through the game about three hours into it, though I was taking notes / screens as I went. Thanks for reading the review!

  2. Thank you for review.. like Justin I been searching for a written review. They seem to be a rareity. You review appears to balance the pros and cons quite clearly A self confessed Trek Fan I have been looking forward to the Game release. If it indeed is a fun and enjoyable game then that shall suffice ,as I am of the older generation that does not subscribe to the gotta play it/ clock it /then bitch about it mentality that is pervasive in the “Gamer” community

    • Thanks for taking the time to read it! The review is lengthy, but was a lot of fun to put together.

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