
All posts tagged Trio

I’ve played my share of Euro games and you know what?  The older I get, the less patience I have to learn games with 30 page rule-books.  Twenty-five year-old me would never have hesitated, but as a forty-something tired adult, I often welcome a more simpler diversion.  “Trio” is such a game, featuring only 36 cards making learning the game easy.  It supports 3-6 players and is appropriate for ages 8+.  The average play time clocks around 15-30 minutes.  Despite the game being quick and easy, make no mistake…there’s still a bit of thinking (and luck) involved if you want to pull ahead and win.  Special thanks to Jason Schneider from Happy Camper Games for providing me with a copy to review.  Before we begin I’m required by FTC regulations to disclose that I was paid to cover this game, but any and all opinions remain my own.  The only thing paid for here was my time.

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